

Jun 23, 2023

MLW Fusion Episode #178 Results & Recap

We go right into the intro music to open this week’s Fusion. Joe Dombrowski and Matt Striker were on the commentary team for this episode. Dombrowski goes over the card for tonight and promotes a major MLW announcement coming up.

The participants for the opening contest are introduced. Delirious from The Calling is the first to come out with two gas masks-wearing henchmen. One is his partner and joins him in the ring, while the other remains at ringside. The SST’s Lance Anoa’i and Juice Finau are next down, followed by SGC’s Matthew Justice and 1 Called Manders.

# 1 Contender Three-Way Tag Team Match: Samoan Swat Team (Lance Anoa’i & Juicy Finau) vs. Second Gear Crew (Matthew Justice & 1 Called Manders) vs. The Calling (Delirious & Gas Mask Henchmen)

Delirious and the other Calling members leave the ring and head to the back as the match starts. SST went out of the ring to follow them but returned toward the ring, where Justice and Manders dove onto them.

Once the wrestlers returned to the ring, The Calling came back out. Delirious and the henchmen attacked both the SST and SGC. In the match’s closing moments, Manders meets Delirious on the top rope and hits him with a Super Duper Hawkeye Stampede. Then Justice completes a cross-body splash on Delrious to pick up the win.

Result: Second Gear Crew (Matthew Justice & 1 Called Manders) defeats The Calling (Delirious & Gas Masked Henchman) & Samoan Swat Team (Lance Anoai & Juicy Finau)

We are shown last week’s altercations between Delmi Exo and B3CCA. Dombrowski tells us Exo is on the shelf for the next two weeks. We are shown a Scramble Match with Willie Mack coming up, and the big MLW news will be announced after the commercial break.

We are shown a vignette of Nolo Kitano coming to MLW. Then, a video recap of Davey Boy Smith Jr.’s journey to winning the Opera Cup last week. The big news is announced, and it is that MLW will be partnering with NJPW.

We are given an updated card for MLW Fury Road, including Deppen vs. Ichiban. Back in the arena, the next match is set to begin. Love, Doug comes out first, next Nolo Kitano, then Ken Broadway, O’Shay Edwards, and lastly Willie Mack.

Scramble Match: Willie Mack vs. Love, Doug vs. O’Shay Edwards vs. Ken Broadway vs. Nolo Kitan

Mack hits an early flip dive onto Edwards as we go to a commercial break.

Back from the break, Kitano is on the offensive with Broadway. Then Love, Doug hit Kitano with a bulldog.

Edwards powered up Broadway and held him up, displaying his strength before hitting the vertical suplex. Kitano and Doug teamed up on Edwards and seated him on the top turnbuckle. They tried to go for a double suplex but couldn’t get enough power to move him. Mack returned to the ring and turned it into a tower of doom for all three.

Broadway caught Mack with a big boot in the corner. Broadway hits Kitano with a move; however, Mack completes a body splash on Broadway for three count.

Result: Willie Mack defeats Ken Broadway, Love, Doug, Nolo Kitano, & O’Shay Edwards

After the replay clips of the match, Mack grabs the mic and talks to the crowd, saying this is the summer of Mack. Dombrowski hypes up the main event of Fury Road between Alex Kane and Willie Mack for the MLW World Championship and MLW’s partnership with NJPW. He again announces the new match added to the Fury Road card between Deppen and Ichiban. Fatu vs. Akira for the National Openweight Championship is advertised as coming up after the break.

Now returning for our main event, Akira comes down first and places a chair in the ring. He takes a mic and introduces himself as the Middleweight Champion as the crowd cheers, “Akira!” He cuts a promo on Jacob Fatu and says come get some. Fatu’s music begins to play. The crowd cheers for Fatu. Fatu is at the ramp with a mic in hand. Fatu cuts a promo on Akira. He said he can fight, and he will dog walk his bitch ass. Officials and security come down to try to control Fatu as Akira takes a chair and jumps onto Fatu and officials out of the ring. Fatu comes back with a slap. He fights off security, throws a chair at Akira, and then threw him in the ring to begin the match.

MLW National Openweight Championship Match: Jacob Fatu (c) vs. Akira

Fatu goes for an Alley Oop Samoan Drop; however, Akira hooks him into a pin for a two-count. Fatu comes back with a superkick.

The Calling’s gas mask henchmen ran in to interfere. Fatu took one out and hit an Alley Oop Samoan Drop on the other. The ref called for the bell to end the match due to outside interference.

Result: Jacob Fatu defeats Akira via DQ to retain his title

After the match, Fatu performed a suicide dive on Akira outside the ring. Rickey Shane Page comes out and hits Fatu with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire from behind. RSP puts the barbed wire bat in front of Fatu’s face and runs him into the ring post.

Following the replay clips of what just happened, Fatu is still down on the floor, being attended to by MLW officials. That is how this week’s show goes off the air.